
S3 is a Amazon S3 resource plugin for pydolphinscheduler.

When using a Amazon S3 resource plugin, you only need to add the resource_plugin parameter in the task subclass or workflow definition, such as resource_plugin=S3(prefix=”xxx”), if the file is publicly readable.

When the file is private, using resource_plugin=S3(prefix=”xxx”, access_key_id=”xxx”, access_key_secret=”xxx”)

You can view this document when creating a pair AccessKey.

For the specific use of resource plugins, you can see How to use in ResourcePlugin

Dive Into

S3 object, declare S3 resource plugin for task and workflow to dolphinscheduler.

param prefix:

A string representing the prefix of S3.

param access_key_id:

A string representing the ID of AccessKey for Amazon S3.

param access_key_secret:

A string representing the secret of AccessKey for Amazon S3.