
Local is a local resource plugin for pydolphinscheduler.

When using a local resource plugin, you only need to add the resource_plugin parameter in the task subclass or workflow definition, such as resource_plugin=Local(“/tmp”).

For the specific use of resource plugins, you can see How to use in ResourcePlugin

Dive Into

DolphinScheduler local resource plugin.

class pydolphinscheduler.resources_plugin.local.Local(prefix: str, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ResourcePlugin

Local object, declare local resource plugin for task and workflow to dolphinscheduler.


prefix – A string representing the prefix of Local.

read_file(suf: str)[source]

Get the content of the file.

The address of the file is the prefix of the resource plugin plus the parameter suf.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>