Source code for pydolphinscheduler.tasks.switch

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"""Task Switch."""
from __future__ import annotations

from pydolphinscheduler.constants import TaskType
from pydolphinscheduler.core.task import BatchTask, Task
from pydolphinscheduler.exceptions import PyDSParamException
from pydolphinscheduler.models.base import Base

[docs] class SwitchBranch(Base): """Base class of ConditionBranch of task switch. It a parent class for :class:`Branch` and :class:`Default`. """ _DEFINE_ATTR = { "next_node", } def __init__(self, task: Task, exp: str | None = None): super().__init__(f"Switch.{self.__class__.__name__.upper()}") self.task = task self.exp = exp @property def next_node(self) -> str: """Get task switch property next_node, it return task code when init class switch.""" return self.task.code @property def condition(self) -> str | None: """Get task switch property condition.""" return self.exp
[docs] def get_define(self, camel_attr: bool = True) -> dict: """Get :class:`ConditionBranch` definition attribute communicate to Java gateway server.""" if self.condition: self._DEFINE_ATTR.add("condition") return super().get_define()
[docs] class Branch(SwitchBranch): """Common condition branch for switch task. If any condition in :class:`Branch` match, would set this :class:`Branch`'s task as downstream of task switch. If all condition branch do not match would set :class:`Default`'s task as task switch downstream. """ def __init__(self, condition: str, task: Task): super().__init__(task, condition)
[docs] class Default(SwitchBranch): """Class default branch for switch task. If all condition of :class:`Branch` do not match, task switch would run the tasks in :class:`Default` and set :class:`Default`'s task as switch downstream. Please notice that each switch condition could only have one single :class:`Default`. """ def __init__(self, task: Task): super().__init__(task)
[docs] class SwitchCondition(Base): """Set switch condition of given parameter.""" _DEFINE_ATTR = { "depend_task_list", } def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self.args = args
[docs] def set_define_attr(self) -> None: """Set attribute to function :func:`get_define`. It is a wrapper for both `And` and `Or` operator. """ result = [] num_branch_default = 0 for condition in self.args: if not isinstance(condition, SwitchBranch): raise PyDSParamException( "Task Switch's parameter only support SwitchBranch but got %s.", type(condition), ) # Default number branch checker if num_branch_default >= 1 and isinstance(condition, Default): raise PyDSParamException( "Task Switch's parameter only support exactly one default branch." ) if isinstance(condition, Default): self._DEFINE_ATTR.add("next_node") setattr(self, "next_node", condition.next_node) num_branch_default += 1 elif isinstance(condition, Branch): result.append(condition.get_define()) # Handle switch default branch, default value is `""` if not provide. if num_branch_default == 0: self._DEFINE_ATTR.add("next_node") setattr(self, "next_node", "") setattr(self, "depend_task_list", result)
[docs] def get_define(self, camel_attr=True) -> dict: """Overwrite Base.get_define to get task Condition specific get define.""" self.set_define_attr() return super().get_define()
[docs] class Switch(BatchTask): """Task switch object, declare behavior for switch task to dolphinscheduler. Param of workflow or at least one local param of task must be set if task `switch` in this workflow. """ _task_ignore_attr = { "condition_result", "dependence", } def __init__(self, name: str, condition: SwitchCondition, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, TaskType.SWITCH, *args, **kwargs) self.condition = condition # Set condition tasks as current task downstream self._set_dep()
[docs] def _set_dep(self) -> None: """Set downstream according to parameter `condition`.""" downstream = [] for condition in self.condition.args: if isinstance(condition, SwitchBranch): downstream.append(condition.task) self.set_downstream(downstream)
@property def task_params(self, camel_attr: bool = True, custom_attr: set = None) -> dict: """Override Task.task_params for switch task. switch task have some specials attribute `switch`, and in most of the task this attribute is None and use empty dict `{}` as default value. We do not use class attribute `_task_custom_attr` due to avoid attribute cover. """ params = super().task_params params["switchResult"] = self.condition.get_define() return params