Source code for pydolphinscheduler.tasks.python

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"""Task Python."""

import inspect
import logging
import re
import types
from typing import Union

from pydolphinscheduler.constants import TaskType
from pydolphinscheduler.core.task import Task
from pydolphinscheduler.exceptions import PyDSParamException

log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs] class Python(Task): """Task Python object, declare behavior for Python task to dolphinscheduler. Python task support two types of parameters for :param:``code``, and here is an example: Using str type of :param:``code`` .. code-block:: python python_task = Python(name="str_type", code="print('Hello Python task.')") Or using Python callable type of :param:``code`` .. code-block:: python def foo(): print("Hello Python task.") python_task = Python(name="str_type", code=foo) :param name: The name for Python task. It define the task name. :param definition: String format of Python script you want to execute or Python callable you want to execute. """ _task_custom_attr = { "raw_script", } def __init__( self, name: str, definition: Union[str, types.FunctionType], *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(name, TaskType.PYTHON, *args, **kwargs) self.definition = definition
[docs] def _build_exe_str(self) -> str: """Build executable string from given definition. Attribute ``self.definition`` almost is a function, we need to call this function after parsing it to string. The easier way to call a function is using syntax ``func()`` and we use it to call it too. """ if isinstance(self.definition, types.FunctionType): py_function = inspect.getsource(self.definition) func_str = f"{py_function}{self.definition.__name__}()" else: pattern = re.compile("^def (\\w+)\\(") find = pattern.findall(self.definition) if not find: log.warning( "Python definition is simple script instead of function, with value %s", self.definition, ) return self.definition # Keep function str and function callable always have one blank line func_str = ( f"{self.definition}{find[0]}()" if self.definition.endswith("\n") else f"{self.definition}\n{find[0]}()" ) return func_str
@property def raw_script(self) -> str: """Get python task define attribute `raw_script`.""" if isinstance(self.definition, (str, types.FunctionType)): return self._build_exe_str() else: raise PyDSParamException( "Parameter definition do not support % for now.", type(self.definition) )